Ajax The term Ajax is used to describe a set of technologies that allow browsers to provide users with a more natural browsing experience. Before Ajax, Web sites forced their users into the submit/wait/reload paradigm, where the users’ actions were always synchronized with the server’s “think time. “Ajax provides the ability to communicate with the server asynchronously, thereby freeing the user experience from the request/response cycle. With Ajax, when a user clicks a button, you can use JavaScript and DHTML to immediately update the UI, and spawn an asynchronous request to the server to perform an update or query a database. When the request returns, you can then use JavaScript and CSS to update your UI accordingly without refreshing the entire page. Most importantly, users don’t even know your code is communicating with the server: the Web site feels like it’s instantly responding. AJAX is not a new technology. It… Read more“What is Ajax?”
Category: Web
Difference between Static and Dynamic Web Content
Static contents : The contents of the Web page which do not change frequently irrespective of user who is requesting or the time at which request has been sent. Working of the Web Application (Static Contents): The user send the request by typing the specific URL in the client browser. The DNS server resolves the URL to the IP address and return’s it to requesting browser. The browser then send the request to the Server with IP address as obtained above The Web Server will be listening in to the requests at Port No 80 The browser connects to Port No 80 of the specified Server Since the user is requesting for the static contents, Web server retrieve a file (normally html) and sends it to the requesting client browser as a response. The client has to wait till the response has not been received. Dynamic Contents : The contents… Read more“Difference between Static and Dynamic Web Content”