Some times we don’t have the DBA access and need to copy data from one schema to another. You can perform that by executing migration SQL script in Oracle XE.
Step 1. Generate migration script.
SELECT table_name, ('Select '''||TABLE_NAME||''' as tbl from dual;' ||CHR(10)||'delete from <TARGET_SCHEMA>.'||TABLE_NAME||';'||CHR(10)|| 'insert into <TARGET_SCHEMA>.'||TABLE_NAME|| ' select * from <SOURCE_SCHEMA>.'||TABLE_NAME||'@<XE_CONNECTION>;') as GENERATED_SQL FROM all_tables where Owner='<SOURCE_SCHEMA>' Order By TABLE_NAME;
Step 2. Run Below script by updating Source and Target connection details
WHENEVER SQLERROR EXIT SQL.SQLCODE ROLLBACK connect system/password@xe -- Where system is Oracle XE root user ID drop PUBLIC DATABASE LINK <XE_CONNECTION>; CREATE PUBLIC DATABASE LINK <XE_CONNECTION> CONNECT TO <SOURCE_USER_NAME> IDENTIFIED BY "PASSWORD" USING <SOURCE_CONNECTION_NAME>; set sqlprompt ''; -- ----------- Echo ON / autocommit OFF for the logged in session set autocommit off; set echo off; connect <TARGET_SCHEMA>/password@<XE_CONNECTION> set echo on; -- Add SQL generated from Step 1 --
Step 3. Execute the script. and commit the changes.
This will migrate data from one schema to another.