Microservices are a kind of software architectural solution that allows software to be developed into relatively small, distinct and loosely coupled components. Each of the components provides a distinct subset of the functionality of the entire application. Each microservice, can then be designed, developed, and managed independently. This allows for distributed ownership of a large application across a large organisation, with each microservice owned by a specific team. Microservices are an independent components and are smaller in size hence can be easily built and maintain by a small team. Microservices are scalable. Technology diversity i.e. This eliminates long-term commitment to a single technology stack, if you want to try out a new technology stack on an individual service, you can go ahead. Fault isolation i.e. larger applications remain unaffected by the failure of small component. Better support for parallel team to work on separate components. Independent deployment and easy integration…. Read more“Microservices and their key benefits”