Virtualize can record live behavior of dependent system components—database queries and responses or traffic over HTTP, JMS, or MQ—then represent that behavior as a Virtual Asset. Once the Virtual Asset is created and deployed, it can emulate the captured behavior—enabling you to cut the dependencies on system components that are difficult to access. There are two ways to record live HTTP, JMS, or MQ traffic, using message proxies or using recording wizard. Here we will discuss message proxy approach as direct recording is not available in community edition. Recording from a Message Proxy In previous lesson we discussed about setting recording mode in message proxy. When message proxy is in record mode it can monitor the traffic over the specified transport as an application is exercised. Virtualize “listens” to traffic requests and responses, then builds a traffic file of legitimate request/response pairs. This traffic is then used to generate and… Read more“Recording Traffic in Parasoft Virtualize using Message Proxies”
Tag: Message Proxy
Working with Message Proxies in Parasoft Virtualize
Message Proxies and benefits Message proxies are the tools Parasoft virtualized used to record live system behavior and redirect to the desired endpoints (Real or Virtual). Message proxies listen the traffic going via Parasoft Virtualize and on the basis of configuration either redirect to real end points or redirect to virtual asset to send the response defined in configured responder. These proxies can record traffic to emulate the captured behavior—enabling you to cut the dependencies on system components that are difficult to access. They support HTTP/S, JMS, MQ, and internal transports. To use the message proxies with your Application under test (AUT), it needs to be changed once to point to message proxy instead of real end points. After that, developers, QAs, and Performance Test Engineers can then easily start and stop recording, direct traffic to specific virtual assets, and so on. There are some other benefits of using message… Read more“Working with Message Proxies in Parasoft Virtualize”